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How to make a milk kefir probiotics bowl... - Kefirko UK

How to make a milk kefir probiotics bowl...

You've probably heard this said a thousand times, but breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.  The best thing about a milk kefir probiotics bowl is that you can eat it for breakfast, a snack or even a meal -  pretty much anytime of the day...

Kerfirko milk kefir grains probiotic bowlAll it takes is some milk kefir grains (turned into milk kefir) and a few ingredients to create a nutritious meal that will keep you energised...oh, it tastes really good too. 

Kefir Milk Grains

Enjoy a delicious (artistically designed) bowl of homemade milk kefir topped with, well... pretty much anything you want. If you want to get really fancy, check out our guide below for what you could add to your bowl...

For Flavour

Bananas, nuts (always check for allergies first) and berries add their own distinctive flavour to a breakfast or snack bowl. You can add cinnamon, peanut butter or even organic dark chocolate drops to create a whole other taste dimension. Try mixing and tasting flavours before you add them to your bowl to avoid overloading and ending up with something you won't want to eat.

For Colour 

As well as our mouths, we also eat with our eyes. Add in some pops of colour to brighten up your bowl (and your day). A few berries - anything from blackberries to pomegranate to goji berries - will offer an array of colour. Top tip: Mixing in some pureed strawberries will colour your milk kefir a gorgeous pink tone, a feast for your eyes and your stomach!

For Texture

Grains like oats and/or seeds will add a mixture of textures when coupled with softer fruits and of course the creamy milk kefir. Meals are so much more satisfying when you have a full range of textures and flavours -  opt for a bit of crunch, some chew and some softness for a fuller experience.

To Sweeten

We don't recommend adding sugar to your bowl, as to be honest your fruits should give you all the sweetness you need. Great sweetening fruits include pineapple and banana or most dried fruits like mango, apricots and prunes.

Opt for seasonal

Opt for seasonal fruit - they are easier to get, fresher and better for you. Luckily for you, strawberries are very much in season and we can't think of a better fruit for a milk kefir probiotic bowl!

Got any suggestions for a milk kefir probiotic bowl? shout us out on our socials and let us know..

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