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Unboxing the Complete Kefir Starter Kit (with organic grains) - Kefirko UK

Unboxing the Complete Kefir Starter Kit (with organic grains)

You have been eyeing up the Complete Kefir Starter Kit, but you're yet to click the 'buy' button...

We get it! If you are new to DIY fermentation and just starting out on your kefir journey, it can feel a bit intimidating.  The truth is, making kefir at home can be easy (with the right tools). Using Kefirko products will take the extra prep out of the process - freeing you up to simply enjoy your kefir drinks, snacks and meals.

Making kefir water is a great starting point - it's easy to make and you can drink it as it is, or add it to your recipes to give them that probiotic boost. Once you order, you'll get your kit in the post - take a look at what you'll receive...

Complete Kefir Starter Kit

How to make kefir water: 

STEP 1: Put the water kefir grains into the jar and fill it with fresh, non-chlorinated and non-filtered water and add sugar.  

STEP 2: Open the lid of the jar very slightly so that the air needed for the fermentation process can flow. You must allow 1-2 days (primary fermentation) at room temp for fermentation to take place. 

STEP 3: After 1-2 days you can remove the lid from your jar and strain the kefir into a glass jar/bottle. The grains will remain in the Kefirko jar. 

STEP 4: After the kefir is strained you can add whatever you like - fruit juice or mint. Seal the bottle and leave your kefir water in the fridge for another day (secondary fermentation).  

Need a helping hand? Watch how to make kefir water...

 Is it really that good for you? 

Water grains are yeast and bacteria in a symbiotic relationship. Water kefir grains are actually alive and when cared for and cultured they will reproduce. When you produce kefir water from your grains, it can provide you with probiotic bacteria that could benefit the digestive tract. Kefir is rich in antioxidants, antibodies and metabolites and essential vitamins and minerals.  

Kefir water could help boost your immune system, improve your digestion, help regulate your cholesterol, and have other numerous beneficial effects too.  Compared to the kefir you can buy in stores, the homemade beverage contains a much higher degree of kefir-specific active substances which are important for your health.  

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